Spaccanopoli is just to the south of Decumano Maggiore and is only a few minutes walk form Dante Metro. This district has more than its fair share of wonderful churches, spires, monuments and impressive piazza’s.

Capella Sansevero

The small 19th century family chapel, now a museum – Capella Sansevero, is a must see. The taking of photographs is not permitted, but I do have a leaflet!. The sculpture, the beautifully carved Veiled Christ is the most well known exhibit.

San Domenico Maggiore

This beautiful church was commissioned in the 13th century by Charles I of Anjou. the amazing ceiling fresco is from the early 18th century. The interior was redecorated in the Gothic style in the mid 19th century.

Piazza San Domenico Maggiore

This square which is flanked by palaces and the church San Domenico Maggiore at one end is dominated by the spire built to celebrate the end of the plague in 1656.

Santa Chiara

This 14th Century convent is justly famous for its beautiful tiled cloister. A tranquil place of beauty in the heart of the city. A fire caused by allied bombing destroyed the church in 1943 and has subsequently been rebuilt, luckily the cloister was undamaged. There are royal tombs, Roman Baths, gardens, library and a museum to explore.

The library had some wonderful examples of early written musical score from the 16th Century.

Gesù Nuovo

The church dates from the 16th century when it was rebuilt from a 15th century palace. The baroque interior is exquisite and is adorned with large frescos, sculptures, marble and gold.


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