
The colourful Palads Teatret, cinema

A little south of Strøget is Tivoli and apart from Tivoli Gardens, amusement park there are also the wonderful Nationalmuseet and Ny Carlsberg Gypltotek museums as well as Copenhagen City Hall.

Tivoli Gardens

The amusement park has been drawing crowds since the 1840’s. Concerts and shows are held here in the summer as well as fireworks and laser shows in the evening. It was closed for the winter when we were in town but we had plenty of things to see and do so we were not too bothered.

Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Museum

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I loved this museum. The works on display were wonderful, even the cafe was nice [bit expensive].

This museum has an impressive Northern European section with a large selection of art from classic French artists as well as a Danish section. I liked the sculptures the best.


This is an excellent museum and is well laid out. It covers early Danish history up to the modern age and it also has international collections from around the world.


This pedestrianised area is a lovely place to wander around. Here you will find The Latin Quarter with plenty of restaurants and the wonderful Church of Our Lady.

Vor Frue Kirke, Church of our Lady.

This 12th century church has survived a turbulent history. Its large exterior hides a sumptious interior.


Surrounded by water, this small ‘island’ houses Christiansborg Slot which is the Danish Parliament and the stock exchange – Børsen.

The 56m tall spire depicts the entwined tails of four dragons and was constructed in the early 17th Century.

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